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Here are some ideas for teaching blind people to draw on paper:

Use a raised-line drawing board: These boards have a slightly raised surface that allows the person to feel the lines they are drawing. They can be made by adding glue or puffy paint to a regular drawing board.

Use tactile graphics: These are 3D models that represent objects or scenes, such as a map or a still life. The person can touch and feel the model to get an idea of what they are drawing.

Use audio feedback: You can describe what the person is drawing as they go along. For example, you could say “now draw a line from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.” This will help the person understand where they are in the drawing.

Use textured paper: Textured paper can be helpful for blind people because it provides a tactile surface to draw on. You can also use different textures for different elements of the drawing, such as rough paper for the sky and smooth paper for the ground.

Use a talking pen: A talking pen is a device that records audio and plays it back when the pen is pressed against the paper. You can record instructions or descriptions of what the person is drawing, and they can play it back as needed.

Provide examples: You can provide tactile examples of different drawing techniques, such as shading or crosshatching, so that the person can feel the difference between them.

Remember that everyone learns differently, so it may take some trial and error to find the methods that work best for the individual. Be patient, encourage them to experiment, and celebrate their successes along the way.