During the first Transnational Meeting held in Croatia, Županijska udruga slijepih Split team showed our partners from Italy and Greece what to do and what not to do when providing sighted guidance to people with sight loss.
DO allow the person you are guiding to hold your arm and follow as you walk.
DO move your guiding arm behind your back when approaching a narrow space so the person you are guiding can step behind you and follow single-file.
DO hesitate briefly at a curb or at the beginning of a flight of stairs.
DO tell the person you are guiding whether the steps go up or down.
DO allow the person you are guiding to find the handrail and locate the edge of the first step before proceeding.
DON’T grab the person you are guiding by the hand, arm, or shoulder and try to steer him.
DON’T grab the person’s cane or the handle of a dog guide’s harness.