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Meet the project partners:

The Županijska udruga slijepih Split is an association or organization that supports blind individuals in Split, Croatia. Here is some information about the Županijska udruga slijepih Split:

Name: Županijska udruga slijepih Split / The County Association of Blind People Split

Address: Zagrebačka ul. 17, 21000, Split, Croatia

Phone: +385 21 483 655

The association was established on June 3, 1951, with the goal of providing help and support to blind individuals. They aim to assist blind people in various aspects of their lives and promote their inclusion in society.

You can also find more information about the Županijska udruga slijepih Split on their Facebook page, where they share updates and engage with the community. The Facebook page has 1068 likes and has posts about the activities and initiatives of the association.

If you have any specific questions or need more information, feel free to let me know!