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Thank you Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije for sharing the news about our Erasmus+ KA2 project!

March 2022 – March 2023.

One year ago, we were ready to start this meaningful adventure!

As Ondmaind’s, CABPS’s and PROSVASI’s team members, we’ve learned so much from our partners’ expertise, and the developed activities and we aimed to inspire everyone with the mindfulness approach and its practices.

The creative process manifests in different ways and on different timelines for each person. Anyone who can unlock their creative potential goes through a similar process to bring an idea to life. Art therapy is a type of therapy that involves using creative mediums such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and other visual arts as a way to express oneself and to process emotions. It can be especially beneficial for individuals with visual visual impairments, as it allows them to engage in a creative process that doesn’t rely on sight alone.

The activities of this project, through research on mindfulness and art therapy, inclusion of the best good practices examples in the partner countries and the development of a set of meaningful activities will result with a specially designed methodological guidebook.

In our handbook, we’re developing unique activities including exercises to reduce anxiety. Among them, you will find the 4-7-8 breathing technique. It is a practice with an intentional aim to support you quickly calm your body and mind. It will be included in our mindful-art therapy methodology for visually impaired persons.